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Friday, December 20, 2019

Egg Roll Soup GF/DF

This post is super exciting for me because it's a first. Guest post!! This comes from my good friend who is also an amazing cook. So, without further ado, here's Vanessa:

I am so excited to do a post for Let Go Hobby! Having Jess as my neighbor is like winning the house lottery. She got me into sewing, inspires me to be a better gardener, and both of us live outside all summer with our kids. When we're not working shovels, chasing our high energy kids together, practicing yoga after the kids are in bed, or talking non-stop about fabric and patterns, we talk food. If I remember correctly, our love of cooking brought us together.

I was asked to share my egg roll soup recipe. I love soup, nothing comes closer to a hug in food than soup. Having celiac disease, gluten free Chinese food is only found at home. Restaurant egg rolls and egg drop soup are definitely the foods I miss the most. So this recipe is a combination of the two. Though it started as a gluten free option, it’s enjoyable for everyone. It’s made with: lean ground turkey, beef gelatin (found on Amazon for $10) and chicken base which gives the soup a smooth texture that tastes like it took hours to make plus it’s loaded with veggies. I also will give a list of add-ins for endless variety and to accommodate everyone’s taste.

This soup comes in at: 208 calories, 17.2g of carbs, 6.8g of fat, and a whopping 23.6g of protein. I make this soup whenever I need a lunch reset. It’s great for dinners, but having a warm healthy meal waiting for me on a cold day is great. This recipe is made opposite of how soups are traditionally made. I like to sauté each ingredient before building the broth; that way every vegetable shines, and the broth has a smooth taste. I also tried to keep the ingredient list short and the items easy to find. This one pot meal might become your favorite faux take-out healthy cheat!

Egg Roll Soup (GF/DF)


1 LB Lean Ground Turkey 
¼ tsp Ground Ginger Powder
¼ tsp Granulated Garlic Powder
1 medium onion, diced
1 tsp oil (I use avocado, but any light flavor oil will do)
 1 10 oz bag of shredded carrots (or 3 large carrots shredded)
3 stocks of celery, diced
1 large head of cabbage, finely shredded
½ cup gelatin (you can omit this ingredient, I love adding collagen or gelatin for extra protein)   
3 Tbsp chicken base (you can use chicken broth instead of water and base. I like the flavor of chicken base   more)
2 Tbsp soy sauce or coconut aminos
Salt and Pepper

  1. Add turkey, ginger, garlic powder, ½ tsp salt, and ¼ tsp ground pepper in large soup pot on medium high heat. Brown turkey until cooked through.  Remove the cooked turkey and set aside. 
  2. Add oil and onion and sauté onion until clear. Then add carrots, celery, and ¼ tsp of both salt and pepper. Continue to sauté until brown. Remove veggies from pot and set aside. 
  3. Add cabbage and an additional ¼ tsp of both salt and pepper to pot. Sauté until brown pieces appear. 
  4. Add turkey and vegetables back to the pot with the cooked cabbage. Add water until everything is covered by two inches. 
  5. Add gelatin and stir until combined.
  6. Add chicken base and soy sauce (or coconut aminos). Bring to a boil then remove from heat.
  7. Taste and add more salt, pepper, soy sauce, and ginger to taste.

Click HERE to print.

Great add-ins are:
  • A few drops of Sesame seed oil
  • Cilantro
  • Chili garlic paste
  • Frozen peas
  • Soft boiled egg
  • Sriracha
  • Red pepper flakes

Use your imagination for tons of yummy taste combinations.

Thanks for your time!


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Monday, December 2, 2019

So Jess Sew - Rebecca Page Keeley Cardigan

I've always wanted to have a duster cardigan. So when I saw that the RP Keeley Cardigan had a midi option, I was all about it! It's winter and I wear this a lot. True confession, I wear my bathrobe around the house when I'm cold. So if the doorbell rings, I have to throw my bathrobe off to answer the door not to look like I'm still in my pajamas in the afternoon! As you can tell, this baby was much needed. It's so warm. Cute to layer under a jacket with leggings and then your backside still stays warm and covered!

I didn't make any alterations to the fit and just made the size that fits my arms and upper body since I didn't want to add buttons on this make. The sleeves are set in, but with the loose sweater knit I used, it gives it a drop sleeve look. If you used a more stable knit, they would sit right up where they are supposed to. The pattern does have the options for a shorter length, buttons down the front, and a side vent.

The fabric is sweater knit that I scored from Walmart at a buck a yard. This longer version does take about 2 yards or so depending on your height and size, but so worth it. I've gotten a ton of complements while wearing it. It can glam up a simple outfit quickly.

The pattern is located HERE on the Rebecca Page website if you are interested in seeing it there! I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Happy Sewing!!

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